Thoughts from Battanbang

This week was a short one for me as I, my daughter, Caroline and a colleague from the hospital, are spending a few days in Cambodia’s  second city, Battambang.

We have done the touristy things, gone out in the tuktuks and dutifully spent our money in the shops and cafes but the highlight was a display from students at a sponsored performing arts school. It was a brilliant mixture of acrobatics and dance which depicted the Khmer genocide.

You cannot live in this country without being moved by the verbal accounts, books, reminders and museums concerning the atrocities. Cambodia is a country of young people. Unlike other developing countries it is not because of the increase in the birth rate but because so many of the older generation, people my age, were killed.

There is a video shown at the AHC Visitor Centre introducing the hospital. It says that before the genocide there were 4000 doctors in Cambodia and afterwards only 40 remained alive.  AHC is a testament to this where the dedicated doctors, nurses and other staff have an average age of around 30 – 35.

Back to lighter things…Rani is taking a well earned few days off and next week Kimlay is away in Phnom Penn on a course. This means we are very busy especially with out patients. We have had a Respiratory Therapist from America volunteer for two weeks.  It has been interesting to learn from him and compare his ways of working with our own.

On my return I have one week left to work. I am so looking forward to going back to England to see my family and friends but there is so much I shall miss here. Despite all the recent history,  this is such a happy place to be.


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